LalBrew Wit™ yeast from Lallemand is a relatively neutral strain that can be used for a wide variety of wheat beer styles. The production of esters and phenols is lower than traditional Hefeweizen strains such as LalBrew Munich Classic™.
LalBrew Wit™ imparts a base profile with banana and spice flavours while leaving room for the addition of other spices. Traditional styles made with this yeast include, but are not limited to, Belgian White, American Wheat, Berliner Weiss, Gose, Hefeweizen, Dunkelweizen and Weizenbock.
Beer style: Wheat beer
Aromas: Fruity, with a hint of banana and cloves
Attenuation: Medium to high
Fermentation range: 17 - 22°C
Flocculation : Low
Alcohol tolerance : 12% vol.