DynaBoost™, formerly named YCH 702, is a flowable whirlpool hop extract at room temperature that is produced through supercritical extraction of hop pellets with CO2, utilizing a proprietary extraction technique.
DynaBoost™ is designed to increase both hop aromatics and hotside yield. It is most effective when used in the whirlpool.
DynaBoost™ contains 35-50% alpha acids, 10-20% beta acids, and 18-22% total oil.
DynaBoost™ is produced from single hop varietals to deliver variety specific flavors to your beer.
DynaBoost is designed to maximize aromatic contributions and yields in the whirlpool. While the alpha acids present will provide some bitterness.
DynaBoost’s strength comes from its high concentration of beer-soluble compounds. When dosed into the whirlpool, these ‘survivable’ compounds have a high chance of making their way into the final beer. Additionally, since there is no vegetal matter present in DynaBoost, when it’s used to
replace T-90 pellets, there should be significantly less trub produced in the whirlpool, resulting in higher beer yields.
DynaBoost can be dosed directly into the whirlpool, as long as there is agitation. Higher retention of aromatic compounds can be expected at lower whirlpool temperatures,though active cooling of the whirlpool is not required. If product is stored in refrigerator it is best to warm to room temperature so product is flowable. Shake well to maintain homogeneity.
A typical dosage rate 0.2 to 0.5g per liter of wort is recommended depending on brewer’s discretion. A typical replacement dosage for T-90 pellets with DynaBoost would be a 10:1 dilution, meaning for every kilogram of T-90 pellets, add 100g of DynaBoost